Thursday, June 17, 2010

Oil spill not the priority

Was anyone surprised at the context of Obama's speech on June 15th?  This freedom lover wasn't.
The oil spill is not his priority. He and his cronies, who "never let a good crisis go to waste" to push their
agenda, and on Tuesday night, he did just that again. Cap and Trade will be shoved down America's
throat, whether we like or not, just like healthcare reform. More jobs will be lost. And he gave us
another wonderful commission, appointing people who have no experience in the oil industry. A
new and clean energy source would be a great thing, but he and his cronies have absolutely no plan
whatsoever. Give us an actual plan.
Our president is not a leader and we need a leader. Who will have the courage to lead America
out of this mess in 2012 and actually abide by our constitution?