Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Unemployment extension

How does extending unemployment benefits create jobs? Please give us an honest, solid answer to that question. The only jobs Obama and his crooked crew have created are more government jobs. Yes, there are some folks that are looking for jobs and need the money. But, all this does is make us more dependent on Washington. Oh - isn't that what they want to happen?  And at the same token, approx. 15,000 IRS agents will be hired to make sure we "idiots" buy health insurance, regardless of whether we want to purchase insurance. Why can't our health be our own damn business!! Another thing - double digit unemployment and they are mandating purchasing health insurance. Oh right - they want us on government insurance, so they can inflict their big noses in more of our personal lives. We outnumber these marxist kooks - we can stop them.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Who is ultimately responsible?

Why is personal responsibility "going down the drain?"  Way too much government created this monster. Parents are suing McDonald's now, over Happy Meals contributing to obesity in children! Here is a brainstorm for parents - how about being responsible for your child's welfare and quit pointing fingers at someone/thing else? In these days of Obama bail-outs, this was inevitable to happen. Don't take your child to McDonald's and here's a thought - make a meal for your child. It's been know to happen. There were times when children drank soda, kool-aid, iced tea - all with sugar, ate candy, cupcakes, etc. They were not obese. One reason - they got off their behind and went outside and played! Actually got physical. Maybe these parents should stop thinking computers, hdtv, etc. should be their babysitters. And suing McDonald's? Who comes next - coca-cola - the list never stops. All in the name of making a quick buck you never earned, right? That's the current administration's lesson to all of us idiots.