Thursday, February 25, 2010

Do we know what we want and what is best for ourselves and our family?

Well, Washington is still at it. Despite what the majority of the American people want - stay out of our healthcare! The progressives will keep at it until they achieve their goal. And that will be the beginning of what freedom we have left. Our "one term prez" will be on his merry way with his special interest groups and we will be left with the "lump of coal" that Pelosi and her posse tried to give to us last Christmas. Do you ever notice they give the same answers about health care reform regardless of the question? No pre-existing conditions, reduce the deficit, blah blah blah. Only when the socialist bill passes will the American people see what it is really about - power over our lives! They know what is best for us right?? Enjoy your privacy while you can.

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