Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Is Washington listening?

The answer is no! But, we must not give up America. Government needs to stay out of healthcare, period. That is not the answer. Once that happens America, one freedom after another will happen. People looking for handouts, people that are drinking the kool-aid, and people that simple believe all the lies we have been have told are the ONLY ones that want this. The old saying "If something is too good to be true" certainly applies here. Insurance companies will have close doors, due to all the political red tape, and new rules and regulations. Then, we ALL will be forced to buy into the "public option" (such a pretty word isn't it) or be fined. Go ahead and fine me. Not buying it. Do you really want "big gov" to know everything about you and your family's health problems, prescriptions, medical tests, etc? The majority of us don't. The mighty Obama was on television today (what else is new) to again tell us that we want this and he is going to cram it down our throats, because they know what is best for us. What fun it will be when they tell us how much to weigh and what to eat.

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