Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Statute of Liberty

I truly believe that if you look close enough, Lady Liberty has a tear running down her cheek today. She is saddened, like most of us. Saddened that the America she has known and loved is rapidly being torn apart.
The majority of the American people that voted for Mr. Obama never expected the type of "change" and "fundamental transformation" he spoke about. Perhaps because they were looking for something different and the "hope" he also spoke about. Since the "historic" (the media loves that word for this administration, don't they) healthcare reform passed (the ends justifies the means), change is being hurled at us faster than a locomative. Just today, starting July 1st, tanning at salons will have a new 10% tax and they are considering taking toys out of Happy Meals at McDonald's. They know what is best for us right? They need us to be too busy standing in line for the "giveaways" than to make any decisions for ourselves and our families about our own personal lives. Just as botox Nancy said - "We have knocked down the door and will continue to make new legislation." This has to be stopped. That is a change I am hoping for. For myself and for all my fellow Americans. God Bless America!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Is this what the minority really wants?

Socialism - A theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole. (In Marxist theory), the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles. (otherwise knows as complete government control)>
Do we, as Americans, want the government to take over our property that the majority of us have worked hard to acquire and have rightfully earned it? NO. "The means justifies the ends" - isn't that what our elected officials are saying - they will never win this battle In fact, do have a "death panel" insert in the wonderful healthcare bill. Look on page 429. We have to all die off first, as they will never indoctrinate us. That has been left to, sadly, the children.

Friday, March 19, 2010

They Will Never Stop

Hello fellow freedom lovers. It's a beautiful day and we have to still worry about Washington taking complete control of our lives. They intend to work all weekend to pass this ridiculous healthcare bill. If this passes, the insurance companies will eventually close for business. That means even more people will be out of jobs. Obama, Pelosi, and the motley crew must be smiling from ear to ear at that prospect.
I have always said that once the government started to control smoking in restaurants and bars (I don't smoke), that they would not stop there. So, the Big Apple wants to stop having salt in restaurants. If that ever makes it to my town, we simply will stop going to restaurants and bars. Because you know what is next - everything that is deemed bad for you - butter, alcohol, fatty foods, you name it. We will be like China and fined if we exceed our BMI. Do we as Americans really want that? I think not.
Everything that "they" deem bad for you will have such a high tax, that it will be a luxury. I have an idea - we need to have monitoring systems in our homes. After all, we don't know how to take care of  ourselves. We need the government to do it for us. Can't wait for that.
Have a great weekend of freedom. I am looking for my salt shaker and the butter.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Questions to ask yourself

America is already into the "fundamental transformation" that Obama promised. Not all of us bought into that nonsense, but nonetheless, it is full steam ahead to get this agenda passed.
So some questions for us Americans:
 Have you ever been denied healthcare because of lack of insurance? I no I haven't. You just pay as you can. Hospitals do not have the right to deny anyone.
Would your child be sent home if he or she took a "regular soda" to school or a cupcake?
Don't you think it is yours and yours alone decision to decide what your child eats and drinks?
My generation actually went outside and rode our bikes, played with other children, etc. We were not obese. Perhaps the video games, television and internet need to be shut off for a period of  time each day and show our children how to have fun being physical and using their imaginations. Imagine that???  Maybe "Big Gov" wouldn't like that. After all, they know what is best for us - right?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Nancy's surprise

To quote Ms. Pelosi - "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it." Unbelievable that the mainstream media is still on board with her. Don't you just love her and the surprises they have in store for us, concerning your well being. Oh, I forgot, people are dying in the street, they might amputate your leg, etc.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Fear Mongering

How else will Washington sell it's "kool-aid"? Have you yet to hear anything new coming out of their mouths? Politicians are known for being arrogant, but this adminstration takes the award for being the most arrogant and power hungry. People are protesting in Washington today against this socialist bill of crap that they are quote"going to shove down our throats" and do they care even a little - a big emphatic no!! As one woman asked them - "If this is such a good thing for us, then why isn't Washington signing up for it?" I think we all know the answer to that. We don't need to hear Nancy Pelosi's reply to these questions again - "Are you serious?"
All of us Americans care for all of mankind, but it is NOT my responsibility to pay for your healthcare and vice versa.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Is Washington listening?

The answer is no! But, we must not give up America. Government needs to stay out of healthcare, period. That is not the answer. Once that happens America, one freedom after another will happen. People looking for handouts, people that are drinking the kool-aid, and people that simple believe all the lies we have been have told are the ONLY ones that want this. The old saying "If something is too good to be true" certainly applies here. Insurance companies will have close doors, due to all the political red tape, and new rules and regulations. Then, we ALL will be forced to buy into the "public option" (such a pretty word isn't it) or be fined. Go ahead and fine me. Not buying it. Do you really want "big gov" to know everything about you and your family's health problems, prescriptions, medical tests, etc? The majority of us don't. The mighty Obama was on television today (what else is new) to again tell us that we want this and he is going to cram it down our throats, because they know what is best for us. What fun it will be when they tell us how much to weigh and what to eat.