Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Questions to ask yourself

America is already into the "fundamental transformation" that Obama promised. Not all of us bought into that nonsense, but nonetheless, it is full steam ahead to get this agenda passed.
So some questions for us Americans:
 Have you ever been denied healthcare because of lack of insurance? I no I haven't. You just pay as you can. Hospitals do not have the right to deny anyone.
Would your child be sent home if he or she took a "regular soda" to school or a cupcake?
Don't you think it is yours and yours alone decision to decide what your child eats and drinks?
My generation actually went outside and rode our bikes, played with other children, etc. We were not obese. Perhaps the video games, television and internet need to be shut off for a period of  time each day and show our children how to have fun being physical and using their imaginations. Imagine that???  Maybe "Big Gov" wouldn't like that. After all, they know what is best for us - right?

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