Friday, March 19, 2010

They Will Never Stop

Hello fellow freedom lovers. It's a beautiful day and we have to still worry about Washington taking complete control of our lives. They intend to work all weekend to pass this ridiculous healthcare bill. If this passes, the insurance companies will eventually close for business. That means even more people will be out of jobs. Obama, Pelosi, and the motley crew must be smiling from ear to ear at that prospect.
I have always said that once the government started to control smoking in restaurants and bars (I don't smoke), that they would not stop there. So, the Big Apple wants to stop having salt in restaurants. If that ever makes it to my town, we simply will stop going to restaurants and bars. Because you know what is next - everything that is deemed bad for you - butter, alcohol, fatty foods, you name it. We will be like China and fined if we exceed our BMI. Do we as Americans really want that? I think not.
Everything that "they" deem bad for you will have such a high tax, that it will be a luxury. I have an idea - we need to have monitoring systems in our homes. After all, we don't know how to take care of  ourselves. We need the government to do it for us. Can't wait for that.
Have a great weekend of freedom. I am looking for my salt shaker and the butter.

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